Download (Vol.1)



Several manuals and pieces exist in aiding the furtherance of debate skills and general understanding of the sport. There lacks however one that truly encapsulates the challenges debaters from west Africa face and an effective way of addressing these issues.

As people who have been transformed greatly by the art, it was imperative in providing a true debate review, the first of its kind in the sub-region. This is obviously the first in many to come and we are open to ideas, suggestions and material that will help grow our circuit. The greatest creed is to serve. This is our vision and we hope you our reader can share in this. Special mention to Erasmus,who has been of tremendous help in compiling the materials and a big appreciation to our writers. Have a great read.


Contributors and Guest Writers:

Miss Tobiloba Agbede

Faithfulness Okom

Kojo Telfer Jnr.

Boakye Nyamekye Isaac

Inung Ejim

Asamoah Prince


Click here to download (Vol.1)


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