“I’ve slept so much today, ama be woke for the next 4 years. 😂” -David Ejim, 2019

Quick confession
Some of my favourite people are APC supporters. 😭 While this gives me no joy, thinking about it in my meditation/5 hour nap 😹 made me extremely proud of our Democratic journey.
21 years ago, General Sani Abacha perfected plans to make himself president for life with the sham endorsement of most political parties. Thanks to fate, many patriotic Nigerians and maybe an Indian woman with an apple or two 😹it didn’t happen and today we’re on the verge of having highly contested, TRUE democratic elections. The 5th in our 4th Republic and every Nigerian should be proud.
12 years ago, our democracy was so fragile that President Obasanjo hatched a plot to change the Constitution and allow himself a third term in office. Despite having a parliamentary majority, some great patriots (in his own party) and others rose, rejected his bribes and saved our democracy.
Up until 4 years ago Nigeria was a country where an incumbent president had NEVER lost an election, but here we are today, just hours away from possibly making a second one-term president. We are growing. ✊🏿 Any person who says that voting is pointless or sits in pessimism that Nigeria will never change is the real loser tomorrow. At the end of voting, I urge us all to remember how far we’ve come since Abacha, 21 years ago and not jeopardize our common future with any acts of violence. The sacrifice of Patriots across these decades MUST NOT be in vain.
On a personal note, I’ll be taking my close APC brothers out to celebrate should Atiku be victorious and they have pledged to return the favour should Buhari win. I almost wish Buhari wins sef before these cadres will wreck my account. 😜😹 At the end of the day, it’s all love.
So let us be patriots tomorrow and conduct ourselves in a manner that’ll make NIGERIA win. 🤗


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